Monday, October 21, 2013

Autumn's here

One of the most memorable part of my trip to Oregon were these trees. The colorful leaves fell upon us as we strolled through endless forests of Washington Park. The fall colors were breath-taking. The red, the orange, and green shined brightly every where I turned in Oregon. I loved it.  

In Hawaii, we only see the sun and the rain. I wouldn't mind getting some Autumn time down here. We could use some fall activities. I didn't have a chance to pick apples from the orchard during my trip but it would be a wonderful activity. I would have loved it. I'm sure biting into an apple that you picked would taste much more gratifying and tastier than buying an apple from the market. At least that's what I think and hope. Hahaha.....

Anyways, I was amazed at the beauty of fall. It was the most memorable sight. I love nature and what it brings each season. Now, I'll need to experience real snow. REAL snow fall and making snow angels in the snow and building snowmen and throwing snowballs. That's next on my travel checklist.

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